Friday, March 27, 2009

Detox your house

After you try to detox your bodies, detox your home:

  1. Clean your house with water,vinegar, essential oils and baking soda (recipes below)
  2. Don't use anti-perspirant. Try baking soda as a deodorant. There are crystals that are helpful for some in preventing odor. Or, just don't use it at all. Your body will stop producing as much sweat and odor and eventually, you won't need it at all (you especially won't need it once your diet is clean).
  3. Use dishwasher detergents that are phosphate and chlorine free...the fumes from the regular dishwashers are literally poison. I get a headache within seconds of smelling the steam coming out of a dishwasher now that I am not desensitized to the poisonous fumes.
  4. Trader Joes has an awesome cleaning line called "NExt to Godliness" - dishwasher liquid soap, hand soap, dish soap, and a household cleaner that cleans everything. Ingredients are alcohol and essential oils (basically). Almost as cheap as making your own.
  5. All your lotions need to be clean. Within 8 seconds of putting something on your skin, it's in your bloodstream. If you can't eat your lotion, then don't use it. It's a toxic load on your whole body.
  6. Make sure your makeup and shampoos and soaps are clean!
  7. Here's some companies that I purchase from
  • (laundry detergent)
  • (laundry detergent, dish soap, dishwasher soap, toilet bowl cleaner, toilet paper, and more)
  • (Chlorine free and color safe laundry bleach - brightens, whitens, and softens; household cleaners)
  • (laundry detergent and more)
  • (I clean the whole house with their castille soaps - you can even wash your hair, brush your teeth, and clean a baby with these mild soap. Whole house smells so good too. I get the peppermint one in a gallon size and it lasts for a very long time.)
I actually purchase it all from but you could purchase it from the individual companies or see if your local stores carry some of these healthier alternatives. The above companies sell products that are healthy for you and our environment (which effects all of us as we seek to not poison our water supply, fish, and wildlife) and they seem expensive, but they are always highly concentrated so they truly last a long time.

Or you could do what I have also done for years, which is to exclusively clean every nook and cranny with some concoction from the kitchen:

1 teaspoon of essential oil (like tea tree or lavender) in 1 and 1/5 gallons of water to clean windows, floors, toilets, bathrooms, and kitchen


3 gallons water + 3 Cups of vinegar + 20 drops of tea tree oil

Disinfectant cleaner

2 Cups of water + 1/4 Cup vinegar + 1/4 teaspoons tea tree oil and 1/4 teaspoon of lavender oil

Diaper Pail cleaner
(I did cloth diapers and used this in the bottom of the bucket)
1 cup baking soda
1 tsp of tea tree oil

Mix and work out lumps with fork. Sprinkle in bottom of the pail. Rinse with vinegar and water occasionally and let pail sit in the sun.

Dishwasher detergent
1 C of borax + 1/2 C baking soda (I also add some drops of lemon essential oil)

add 1 tsp per load

Instead of Ajax use baking soda! It cleanse stove tops, sinks, bathtubs, showers, toilet bowls like a charm.

What are some things you could add to this list?


Anonymous said...

Thank you for all the great cleaning tips! Some of them I already use and others I will be trying.

Jennifer in OR said...

Great list! I do need to restock on some clean makeup. A suggestion for dry skin, straight from the kitchen cabinet: Spectrum's All Natural Organic Vegetable Oil. It comes in a tub in the baking section and looks like shortening, and it's all I use as a lotion for my skin.

Gina Alajar said...

This is really helpful I'll do this next weekend!