Saturday, August 25, 2012

Commercial break from the Memoir: Can you name our book?

It's been fun to see the numbers of readers spike since I started posting excerpts from our future book.   It's a dream we have shared for years and we are going for it.

I'd like the book to inspire families to do, to go, and to do so together.

I'd like the book to challenge kids to unplug and tap into their creative spirits.

I'd like the book to inspire anyone, despite fears, to attempt a backpacking trip.

I'd like the book to encourage young families that life does not have to stop once the kids arrive - you just bring them along and now you have company for your adventures.

So friends, can you help us name this book?

I have many ideas (secret ideas that I can't reveal here) but would love your ideas!

You might want to wait until the exciting conclusion which should be up either today or tomorrow....

but if not, send me a comment or shoot me an email at corynjulie at gmail dot com.

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