Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Economic crisis meets the Ocean

As I ran along the shores of the ocean this morning, I marveled, as always, at the splendor and majesty of the rhythmic crashing of the surf. It was such a striking contrast to the gloom of the national headlines.

God's creation points us all to His eternal power and divine nature and sure enough, the power of the ocean during this particular run pointed me right back to it's creator for my profound moment of the day (as usual, my aha! moment, happened during a run!)

"...His eternal power and divine nature have been clearly seen, being
understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse." (Romans 1:20)

It was on this most glorious, blue sky, ocean side beach run that I noted to myself, with a smile as I ran, that apparently the ocean had not gotten the memo that the world economy was crumbling. I looked up to the mountains and saw them, like they always did, standing in a posture of praise, looking to the heavens. They too have obviously not read in the Wall Street Journal about the world food shortage crisis. The seagulls of the air and the fawn of the forest were still about their business. No late nights with CNN for these creatures fretting over the energy crisis.

Even the rocks will cry out if we don’t praise Him. They aren't waiting for us to stop praising Him to lift their praises. They seem to inherently know who their Maker is. “The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork” (Psalms 19:1). We could learn something from this.

No grumbling. No panic. No concern about anything more than what their Creator set them here to do. And they do it, and do it every day to their best ability pointing to His full glory.

It’s why nature has such a way of settling peace on my soul like nothing else can – because it’s here that God’s order is simply: being.

I left this run realizing that come what may, I know who my God is. His Order is what is in charge. The world will remain in color and not revert to a black and white version of itself. The rivers will still run. The Ocean will still rage. The mountains will still boldly look to the heavens.

This “perfect storm” world crisis is going to be OK.

No, it’s going to be glorious...look whose in charge.

America, come what may, remember this:

“Your throne, O God, is forever and ever…"Heb. 1:9


Randell said...

AMEN SISTER! Ahhh that picture makes me REALLLLLLY miss Oregon!!!!!!

Randell said...

AMEN SISTER! Ahhh that picture makes me REALLLLLLY miss Oregon!!!!!!

Unknown said...

I also happen to be at the beach this week--on the other side of the country! Sitting there watching the waves roll in and the colors of the sunset streak across the sky, who cannot sense the awesomeness of our God?

Although I work in the finance industry (which needless to say, has made me on pins and needles lately), I have had no desire to check in on the news this week. Through all of this, I have taken comfort in what the psalmist said, "Some trust in chariots, some trust in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God!" I praise Him for His might and His sovereignty. How can we not be confident and hopeful for the future when we serve the LORD Almighty?

Cathy said...

Yes! Amen!

Kristin said...

Thanks Julie, what a beautiful reminder to all of us. This helps us to keep our eyes on eternity.

Col.3:2 "Set your mind on things above not on things of earth."

Sherry Bowers said...

Oh, Julie!

1) Love the changes to your blog!

2) Awesome pictures!

3) The ocean's magesty truly is just a glimmer of God's - what encouragement!

4) There's a company called Watkins that has all kinds of deep penetrating linaments for all kinds of muscular sprains. Then of course, there's good old fashioned DMSO ointment. I'll keep praying :)